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Monday, 22 October 2012

Misty Monday

Day 14 of knitting is just more progress on a hexipuff in odd moments of time. I had intended to take up the socks again whilst watching the Masterclass from Paul Hollywood and Mary Berry, had assumed an 8pm start but discovered it was an hour earlier. Still there is always iPlayer.

I wore my pink socks with my winter boots yesterday and have realised that I knitted the feet a little big and made the boots uncomfortable so switched to the first pair I ever made which were a better fit. this time I shall try the new socks on when I reach the length indicated. Both pairs of winter boots require socks inside, my feet and legs are slim but boots are made assuming everyone has fat legs.

Looking at this picture the feet do look longer than the legs. Still ok for wearing around the house though!

Yesterday's church service back here was a complete contrast to the previous week but none the worse for that, for I came away knowing I will remember some of the teaching about service - as opposed to a service - and the pleasure of seeing some of the rather elderly ladies of the congregation participating in "Simon Says"! Yes, it was the monthly service for the younger age group but it was done so well it was right for all. How good for the children to be around the altar, to see what the priest does at the Consecration and sensing the importance and reverence.

This is why when we go away Ian and I try to attend the local church, although once in a village near Skipton we were accosted as newcomers, nearly signed up for the PCC and flower arranging before we could escape back to London. Visiting other churches gives a fresh insight into faith, a different emphasis on a familiar form of worship, learning something new and being able to look at one's own church on return to compare and contrast. The same benefits accrue when the vicar goes away for the four Sundays he is apparently allowed off and we welcome visiting clergy. Many years ago a priest who had been a teacher, or a school chaplain, not sure which, maybe both, used to cover and his sermons were like RE lessons, so much information about the background to Jesus and his life and about the world of St Paul.

As part of the 75th anniversary celebrations of the Guide company a presentation of their activities at a muddy PGL centre recently was screened. Guiding is just another world now, looks so much more fun and relevant. Like domestic science at school, much of our guiding seemed to assume being wives and mothers would be the most important part of our lives, the badges, like Little Homemaker reflected this.

It was my turn to host the reading group today, back went the Salmon Fishing in Yemen, in came White Truffles in Winter. Those of us who haven't read our free copy of Oliver Twist in this Dickens year were given a gentle reminder of the delights of this author. Am planning to download an unabridged audio so I can knit and listen.

Well enough of my waffle, busy week ahead.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about boots often being made with people in mind who have chubbier legs than myself!
    The socks my Mum knits I mostly wear at home in place of slippers, only one of the pairs she has made for me fits well enough to be worn inside shoes, all the others are too big, but I love them nonetheless :-)
