mmmm, nearly half way through talking about knitting.
Just to say yesterday I decided I wasn't happy with the standard of knitting around the heels of socks so whilst chatting to son and daughter in law undid the socks to way back, think just above the ankle when I was nearly at the toes. Have put both pairs back on the needle, one ready to go, other one needs to be tidied up, stitches untwisted and perhaps stitch below to be knitted too.
Haven't touched socks yet today, did some hexipuff whilst on phone.
Notice 'yet'. when I've been asked if I have visited somewhere my answer is either 'yes' or 'not yet', thus combining a sense of optimism with an acknowledgement of how much I have travelled. Great way of annoying our beloved offspring is to shout 'been there' at the TV or radio when a specific town or place is mentioned. Between us, these parents can clock up a few miles!
There aren't too many places that I yearn to visit, Montecello has been on the list ever since my OU studies: the Settle to Carlisle railway appeals but more often travelling is to visit people rather than places. Today, someone was surprised that we hadn't been away on holiday this year, well apart from a weekend in East Anglia, but that was based around joining other bloggers for a lunch party. People not places, it was so lovely.
Back to sock knitting and catching up on Bake off spin offs......
The longer I live, the more I love people!
ReplyDeleteMost of the time, a certain place will reliably be around for much longer than a certain person; therefore, travelling to see people rather than places should always have precedence. Of course, if seeing someone coincides with visiting a beautiful and interesting place, all the better :-)