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Monday, 14 February 2011


Simple Woman's Daybook: 14th February 2011

Outside my window ... bit windy, but otherwise fairly pleasant day although cooled down once sun went down.

I am thinking ... about our plans for the sitting room. We went to Kingston on Saturday, by train of course because of the Rugby, looked in M&S, John Lewis, Laura Ashley & MultiYork. Came back keen on M&S leather sofas, thought has since been given to IKEA whose prices seem so keen. Do we really need sofas that will last us another 30+ years. At IKEA prices we need not keep the next lot as long.
From the learning rooms ... Ian immersed in maths. He's done the first question of the first TMA. So keen.
 I am thankful ... we realised the furniture had worn out but wonder how many visitors were not sitting comfortably.
From the kitchen ... all clear and washing up done.
I am wearing ... Black M& S trousers, cream Thomas Pink shirt and red V neck Uniqlo jumper. Chose an outfit practical enough to do the Bleep test at the last of the Pulmonary Rehab sessions. I reached level 7 (out of 10) so improved from test at beginning of January. However, when my oxygen levels were measured at the end I had an alarming but temporary dip in mine so will be checked out again in 3 months. Never happened before in last 6 weeks of exercises.

I am creating ... still working on garter stitch cushion cover using stash of Jaeger silk wool. Knitted on train on Saturday, at hospital today and in odd moments around the house, for example when the roofing estimator was here talking chimney stacks. He said I should knit him a pair of socks. Knitting socks is my challenge, need to find a very easy pattern to knit Roof Man his pair of size 9s. Can I do it? Perhaps by Christmas.

I am going be asked to give the talk about the Breathe Easy group at the future Pulmonary Rehab courses. I knew more about Breathe Easy than the person who spoke to us about this.
I am reading ... furniture catalogues, home magazines and the papers but book group meeting looms.

Around the house ...  floor plan of the sitting room with scale cut outs of sofas from Marks and from IKEA. We have decided to move TV & paraphanalia from one side of fireplace to other; to replace the stained carpet under the patterned one: our trusty decorator is visiting to estimate redecorating costs. He will be replacing wallpaper around front room fireplace anyway. (They've forgotten about the new fireplace that beat VAT increase, Ed.) 

A few plans for the rest of the week
 ... ALMA meeting (Angola London Mozambique Assn.),  linking Diocese of London with dioceses in Angola and Mozambique; work on plans at local studies; trip to IKEA to bounce on sofas.

A picture thought I am sharing ... 

The spaciousness that is the room without much furniture. 
Tomorrow is another day, think sofa saga will run and run but it's fun, interesting and was so unexpected.

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman

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