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Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Dentist v Doctor

My last post mentioned I was going to the dentist and mouth ulcers that I have had for some time. Now have discovered not ulcers, but gum infection under two teeth, one a wisdom that has moved closer to its neighbour. Unless mouthwashes clear the infection there is the possibility that both teeth may have to come out under local anaesthetic. General anaesthetic no good with lungs.

This morning so fed up with still painful mouth, so went to GP but he cannot prescribe antibiotics to clear infections around teeth, prescription has to be issued by the dentist. Apparently Doxycycline which I'd been taking until day before dental visit doesn't work on gums, just lungs. Phoned the dental surgery before lunch, cannot speak to dentist, all messages through the new receptionist and I have to wait for a phone call back later in the afternoon. Yes, dentist will issue a prescription, no it cannot be sent to the chemist from whom we collect our other prescriptions, and no, it cannot be put in an envelope and sent to me. So tomorrow the piece of paper, must be collected before one o'clock because they have a half day on Wednesdays.

Perhaps it is a good thing that the work on removing a fireplace, inserting a chimney liner and installing a gas fire didn't start today at Pixie Towers after all (the lead guy is ill) so we can drive to the next town to collect a chit that in any other business today would have been sent electronically. At the doctors he 'wrote' a prescription, we went to the chemists, some 10 minutes walk away, then returned to collect the medication after a very quick whizz around Waitrose.

Next time I hope to say something more cheerful, in the meantime, look out on Friday for publicity for the Blood Transfusion Service with the theme that Blood doesn't grow on Trees. I'm not involved in any way, cannot even give blood anymore, just to say there is a link with a Knitting Group I attend once a month.


  1. You'd really think they do this kind of thing by email nowadays!

    Anyway, I do hope you're painfree now (or will be soon) and none of your teeth will have to come out.

  2. Oh dear, poor you. I hate teeth. (Except that I would hate no-teeth more.) I hope you get it cleared up with the medicine.

  3. I have to have an extraction at the hospital under GA,, as my root is curved and the dentist couldn't pull it. I get very nervous at the dentist. Hope you get the infection cleared soon.

  4. Poor you. I've always hated going to the dentist. I think most people do. Hope everything works out OK for you.
    Love from Mum

  5. Oh goodness, I'm so sorry. I hope the antibiotics and mouthwash clear it up.

  6. Gum infections are often caused by oral hygiene problems exacerbated by being under the weather generally. You really ought to visit your dentist to see what the problem actually is rather than hoping some medicine will take away the problem. A dentist is a healthcare provider not a web clinic, a dentist cannot see the problem without seeing you and your mouth.Would your doctor have emailed the prescription without seeing you? If he would, he shouldn't unless its a repeat prescription. So don't moan, visit your dentist in person for a checkup. Mouth ulcers and gum infections can be the result of other underlying medical conditions that your medical professional is trained for five or more years to diagnose and treat. They can also be the beginnings of oral cancer, so don't delay visit your dentist.

    1. Dear Anonymous, looks as if I didn't make it clear that I had been to the dentist the week before, he had diagnosed the gum infection caused by movement of a wisdom tooth. He suggested I try using cortisol mouth wash to see if the infection cleared. A week later I was in pain still, didn't wish to keep taking strong painkillers, was worried that infection could spread, hence saw my GP as hadn't realised rules for subscribing for dental problems had changed.

      As the dental practice had treated me a week before and knew the problem they were willing to issue the prescription, also I have been going to this dentist for nearly 40 years so he knows me, my problem mouth and health issues very well.

      Now I am taking amoxicillin, along with all the other stuff for lungs and sinuses and antihistamines for allergies.

      Best medicine of all was being able to sit out in the garden in warm sunshine and read Women in White for reading group - need to get a move on, they meet Monday week.

  7. My sympathies with you. I hate the dentist and have had nothing but bad experiences with them so I shuddered when I read your post and do hope this is sorted quickly. Thanks for popping by my blog and leaving your lovely comment. Yes the cable car is a thing on my list but I haven't heard any good reviews about it yet from people that have been off (certainly not one for a windy day). xx

  8. I can only imagine how disappointing it was when the dentist wasn't around at the time you need him. However, I'm glad that the receptionist attended immediately to your needs. How are you now? I hope you'll consider another dental checkup even if the pain is already gone. :)

    Arun Narang

  9. Dentist and doctors responsibilities are totally different. Dentists educate patients about diet, flossing and proper brushing. Doctors counsel patients on nutrition, hygiene, exercise and wellness. if we considering their outlook then Dentists and doctors should enjoy strong hiring prospects, but doctors have a slight edge.

  10. That is tough. One can only wish that these kinds of pains are alleviated soon, and the means with which to do that are made available rather quickly. Dental pain, after all, isn't the type that should be allowed to linger. We should get the best dental treatment that not only solves our problems in an effective and precise sort of way, but also does it with the least scars and trauma as possible.

    Clinton Zelman
