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Sunday, 14 April 2013


I am very pleased to announce that two hundred hexipuffs have been knitted, my target is 384 for a 3 x 4 foot quilt, very encouraging to me that I'm more than half way.

Here they are, filling up a very old shopping basket. The picture doesn't show the variety of colours, there are about 19 different yarns used, a few have a mixture of odds and ends of yarn that needed using up. The big challenge will come with joining them all together.

Faced a different challenge yesterday evening when we drove back from Sussex. We had driven down early, well early for us, in the morning in sunshine to daughter's home, not long after we arrived the rain started and never stopped. The reason for the visit was to transform the bathroom walls from bright blue to a subtle magnolia, which Ian did. Because he did the painting, and almost more important all the preparation of filling holes etc. beforehand, I took on the task of driving both ways.

By travelling early in the day we had hoped to be away before darkness but the paint tin said six hours between coats so it was almost dark when we left. The drive was so scary for us, rain, darkness, fog, roadworks, the coordination needed to switch from main beam to headlights when other vehicles approach, the deep puddles, unseen potholes, my lack of long distance driving practice made me fearful. Another problem is that the pain of the rotator cuff tear has returned so although I had the driving seat quite forward the bones in my right arm were hurting. It was agreed when we saw some where to stop safely Ian would take over, in the darkness and rain we never saw anywhere. Rather than face the narrow stretch of A24 we went via M23, M25 and M3, driving was easier on the motorways for by then it was spray rather than rain on the screen.

We take few long car journeys, so apart from the heavy rain and darkness much of the journey's problem was I was out of practice so it was good that I met the challenge rather than us sharing driving. I had anticipated a different problem that morning and had ensured my prescription sunglasses were on the dashboard on our way south.

To keep myself and everyone else out of danger on the road I have an appointment to discuss shoulder with Doctor and an appointment for an eye test. Should I risk updating prescription sunglasses in preparation for the Summer?


  1. Phew! Glad to hear you came out of the trip safe and (relatively) sound, it must have been a nightmare of a drive.
    How nice of you to go such a long way to help renovating your daughter's bathroom!
    And congratulations on having finished so many hexipuffs :-)

  2. I agree, it's a good thing to keep up the practice of driving on motorways and in bad weather - but it sounds a nightmare journey. Hope you've had sunshine today.

  3. That sounds like a scary drive :(

    How lovely that you helped your daughter.

    Sft x
