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Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Knitting again

Have made the beanie, it's here

Looks enormous, but it is made for a 6-12 month old so will be ideal for next Autumn. Very pleased with it.

When we were at the celebrations for  Ian's aunt's 100 birthday, her daughter gave me some yarn and there is enough double knitting wool to make a jacket for another little boy soon to make his debut. Have been able to add to my stash pile, some very fine cottons as well, will need advice as to what to make with some of it.

Just an update regarding daughter's property purchase, she managed to exchange and complete on Friday, about 12 hours before stamp duty kicked in again for first time buyers. She had the keys on Friday, and today she finally moved out of her house share. Couldn't really before as the fridge freezer was only delivered yesterday and needed to stand before she could fill it. Excellent service from John Lewis.

Cannot say the same for Curry's. The cooker had been left in the flat, but when we looked at it on Saturday Ian and I agreed with Martha that it was in a much worse state than had been realised. Given the urgency, we went to the local Curry's, chose a lovely electric cooker; delivery was arranged, address given. Come Tuesday, Martha took time off from work as delivery was between 3 -5, Curry's phoned as she waited to say they didn't have the first line of her address so they couldn't deliver. They wouldn't confirm the address over the phone, she had to return to the store and rebook the delivery. I was standing next to her when she gave the address in the store so it is not her error. I have recommended a strongly worded letter of complaint to the company's head office.

So, all future purchases of that type will be made online to John Lewis. As it is the end of the month and end of the financial year Martha, like many others is very busy at work and to be messed about by such incompetence is unacceptable. Thank goodness the washing machine has been purchased through John Lewis.

It is getting late, will turn in soon. Busy week, went to a funeral yesterday and another tomorrow. Yesterday was a lady from our church aged 96 but tomorrow the funeral is for the husband of a school friend so comparatively young. He has been ill for a few years, worked hard all his life and never had the chance to enjoy retirement with his wife and family.

We are blessed.


  1. Best wishes to your daughter in her new home. What is it about Curry's? There always seems to be a problem with them and with their customer relations... The kudos for John Lewis, though, seem to go on and on, they are definitely doing something right!

  2. John Lewis at Brent Cross were brilliant when I needed washing machines delivered to my London flats - one upstairs with a nasty bend and one downstairs, ditto. I buy everything electrical from them, so reliable - and when an electric blanket stopped working a few weeks after buying it online I sent an email, they reimbursed me and said not to bother sending it back and no questions were asked.

  3. Hope Martha is soon settled happily in her new home
    We have always found Comet good for service

  4. We got our cooker from John Lewis for exactly that reason!
