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Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Sunday: Day 130

This is The Day that  day I left Pixie Towers to walk around the block, well a few roads on our suburban 1930s estate after one hundred and thirty days at home. My motivation was actually exercise, I hadn’t walked anywhere except around  the garden and more frequently up and down stairs so I was concerned I would struggle to walk.  It was not so, nor was it today when I ventured out today. Of course I wasn’t on my own, Ian who has sacrificed so much to care for me walked with me both days.

More good news, our son, DiL with Edward and Alice came to our home last Thursday, it was Edward’s fifth birthday, here they are surrounded by crochet blankets. This photo appeared in WhatsApp later, a surprise as I didn’t know it had been taken.

Tuesday evening,

Just an update, the walk for exercise has continued, yesterday we walked the same route in reverse and on the opposite side of the road  around the estate to the day before, today at about 6.15pm we ventured out to the local High Street, the thoroughfare has wide pavements, there is a slope near the railway station so it was good to see how I’m coping with walking up gradients, all was fine, we didn’t go into any shops, there was a sad air about the place but that maybe the hour.  

Emails have arrived, events are opening up, there is a new book coming from the Reading group, none of us appear to have enjoyed or in my case completed Dear Life by Alice Munro, after reading the new title a gathering in a back garden with the relevant caveats will be held. I hope the weather gods are listening.

Emails too about a meeting of the SW London Knitting & Crochet Guild, one in a cafe and one of Zoom, my followers know I shall be attending the latter, my courage doesn’t extend to travelling to Kingston and entering Jax’s cafe, good as it is in normal times. This branch of the guild usually meet on the last Saturday in the month so a return to custom.

Emails arranging deliveries of more face masks were written, the masks were delivered by the shielding cardiologist who makes them later in the day.

On that note, I shall close, post and go to bed, too  tired to do much if Blogger has a hissy fit as it is prone to do. 🦢


  1. Blogger having a hissy fit? That made me chuckle :-)
    Very good to hear you have taken up walking again, I can not imagine NOT walking, it is an integral part of my life and actually of what makes me.
    In this country, we've been required to wear masks on public transport and in shops since the end of April, we're all more or less used to it by now but for some, wearing a mask (or not) is a political issue.
    Sweet picture of the grandchildren, Alice looks as if her brother's attention is not all that welcome, but that's siblings for you!
