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Monday, 24 February 2020


So, what has been achieved when Dennis prevented us from our visit to the South Coast. At last I’ve used up all the stash of Rowan Big Yarn making four cushions for our kitchen chairs. Slight problem in that I haven’t enough yarn  left to do the border on the last cushion as the odds and ends of one colour have different dye numbers, even to my untrained eye there is a slight difference in shade. At the Costa knitting group last week I was offered some Big Yarn, if the donor doesn’t come back to me  I will see what John Lewis’s haberdashery can offer on Saturday, will be there for Knitting & Crochet Guild meeting. JL are being difficult about the use of their Community Hub so difficult to plan ahead, nor is it easy to find an alternative venue in Kingston.

Not easy to see the edges need tidying up, also sorry, one side the stripes are north south, the other side are east west, actually all the cushions are rectangles  made with treble crochet stitch. I’m pleased with this stashbuster. Next project will be to finish Ian’s socks, the Tramlines sock pattern I have made before very successfully, I left the socks in favour of the cushions and the crochet blankets as they needed less concentration than turning heels.

Last Friday we were able to see the grandchildren, who had a day trip by train to London, a visit to the Natural History Museum, along I think with every other child on half term to see Andy’s Clock, apparently seen on BBCs children’s TV.
Family posing with the clock behind, I’m not sure even now why it is important, also children were beginning to tire, they are only four and a half and three years and one day!

We had shuffled around the dinosaur displays, I think a few opportunities for ancient grandparents to sit for a while would have been appreciated in this great hall, I admired Alfred Waterhouse’s architecture more than the dinosaurs, clever as the exhibits were.

1 comment:

  1. From visits to the Natural History Museum many years ago I also mainly remember the beautiful building more than the exhibits.
    Nice that you had the opportunity to see the little ones!
