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Thursday, 23 February 2012

Who do you think you are?

Just a quick word to say that tomorrow I shall be at the Who do you think you are? show at Olympia. As I may have mentioned before here, I am a volunteer at Richmond Local studies library. The library has a stand (47) at the show to help family historians whose ancestors come from the Richmond and Twickenham areas. We shall be exhibiting the CALM database showing not only the borough plans but illustrations and information too.

My attendance means I shall miss seeing the completion of the wall being built at the front of Pixie Mansions. New wall was necessary as part was damaged by an elderly driver losing control of his car (fortunately nobody injured at all) and any rebuilding would not have matched the original 1934 construction. We wanted to ensure the design matched both the original to preserve the 1930s street scape.

There have been alterations further along the road whereby pillars, railings and electronic gates have been added and these clash with the original design. There appears nothing that can be done about this, especially as we are not in the fashionable, touristy part of the borough.

We are very pleased with the local  building company we have chosen, all the materials have been kept neat and tidy, as the bricklayers are English there have been no language problems, no noisy radios have been played either. Downside, they will be back at 7.30 tomorrow morning so another reason to arise early.

Our new Sony TV was delivered this afternoon  so great fun this afternoon trying to work out how to set it up and use the Internet on it. We were guided through the setting up by 'George' who was in Cairo at the time. For those who are wondering it is a 22" Bravia, excellent colour and sound quantities. Will be listening to the Archers to practice working the controls, the remote is not too small, it has reasonable size buttons.

Now back to knitting, I have made my mind up to reknit the back, won't need to do much to establish if the same weird pattern is occurring.

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