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Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook 9th March 2010

Picture to share of flowers I was given.

Simple Woman's Daybook: 9th March

Outside My Window ... evening darkness of a suburban street of houses built around 1934. Nowadays street has parked cars and noisy foxes.

I am thinking about the effort I have made this evening to keep in touch with school friends.

From the learning rooms ... Darling husband is working on his mathematical studies, he is working on Open University course M121

I am thankful ... for automatic washing machines and modern steam irons. Also pleased it was dry enough to hang washing out in garden for the first time this year.

From the kitchen ... nothing. The yogurt I'm making has no smell and the red cabbage that was cooked earlier is now in the fridge.

I am wearing ... ankle length browny-black skirt, cobalt blue poloneck jumper and matching cardigan

I am creating ... a cross stitched kneeler for our church

I am going ... to finish reading the weekend newspapers so they can go out for recycling

I am reading ... newspapers and am about to start "The girl with the dragon tattoo". This is for the Reading group and needs to be read by mid-April.

I am hoping ... my hurting lower back pain goes away.

I am hearing ... my grandfather's wall clock ticking.

Around the house ... all the recycling out for early collection tomorrow, except for the papers I've to read.

A few plans for the rest of the week ......Lent home group; collecting for Homelink (a local charity providing respite care);  lunch with former colleague.


  1. What lovely flowers! I hope your back pain subsides soon. Take care!

  2. After being nagged by my family I've been to the doctor and apparently the problem is my right hip. Tomorrow I will have an X-ray to find out what is wrong. I have been given non steroid antiinflammatory medication. Thank goodness for our National Health Service, excellent service this time.

    This morning daughter suggested heat treatment so I have repaired to bed and old fashioned hot water bottles on my back I have provided some relief.

    Will have to get up soon as our cleaner will be here at 12.30 and it is now 11.45.

    What larks!

    What does MJ stand for? I'm Madeleine Joyce.

  3. So sorry to hear about your discomfort. I hope all went well at the doctor's.
