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Sunday, 30 June 2019


It has been a busy weekend, now sitting down to review it once Son had driven away with his two children safely in the back. Daughter-in-law was singing with Military Wives Choir, so she couldn’t be with us. It was too hot yesterday -Saturday - to go far so apart from a trip to the High Street for newspaper rest of day in shade in the garden or in the house with curtains closed on the sunny side, front in the morning and back afternoon and evening.

Today we went to church, grandson went with his grandfather to junior church, charmed the ladies over the coffee, discussed having his hair cut and the problem of his curls with an eighty something parishioner. I was criticised by grandson as he considered his mother’s Moorland blanket hadn’t grown much since he saw it last, he noticed we’d changed the furniture around in our sitting room and remembered he and his sister had chosen the colours of these glass watering globes over a year ago.  I so underestimate this child who isn’t yet four. 

His sister is very different from him, she’d refused to eat any lunch, suspect she shouldn’t have been given her a drink with food, was put upstairs for a nap, shortly after we heard a thump, Son rushed upstairs to find his daughter had climbed out of the travel cot, onto an adjoining bed and then had fallen from that. Any attempt for a nap was abandoned, next time she stays she’ll be sleeping in the bed.  Yesterday she had walloped her brother with a stickle brick, he protested without retaliation, she immediately went to sit on the bottom stair before Son could send her there.  

Have tried to annotate photos, didn’t work, all deleted, so will upload them without comment. Should be a picture taken by Son of his children together, a picture of the globes I mentioned and the children  indoors with stickle bricks to avoid the 34 degrees outside. 

The globes chosen early last year by children, Grandson remembered

Playing nicely in t


  1. Sounds exhausting, but also a lot of fun!
    Isn't it funny how siblings growing up together and being brought up to the same standards by the same parents can be so different, same with my sister and myself, and we're only a year apart.

  2. They are very cute children.
