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Monday, 10 June 2019

British Banter.

British Banter is a Ravelry forum, last Saturday a group of around 30 knitters & crocheters met on 4th floor of the Royal Festival Hall, close by the singing lift. It takes courage to join a crowd of ladies, some of whom you have met before, but cannot remember where, when, their Ravelry or real name!

In the event, I didn’t even have a chance before I was recognised by Joy, after a while it was suggested that I may like to take my coat off! So for about 5+ hours people moved around to chat with others, laugh, eat, some goodies were bought to share. Time went very quickly, the stories knitters bring about their lives and interests seem to be so individualistic and varied that it was delightful to listen and learn about people who had been just a non-de-plume online.

I came away on a high that has lasted, even the broken down train at Mortlake station that delayed my journey home, hasn’t altered that, annoying as it was at the time. It was good for me to cope with a large number of people, didn’t feel overwhelmed but then the chairs and sofas were spread out.


1 comment:

  1. A friendly greeting makes all the difference, doesn't it?
