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Saturday 9 March 2019


Last year I challenged myself to try to fill in sudoku puzzles, Ian explained it to me, gave me hints, gradually throughout the year and up till now I’ve made good progress. I have concentrated firstly on completing the easy puzzle in The Metro, proceeded to moderate there and in our daily paper. Two moderates in different papers are not the same, the Metro appears to me the easier.

However there is a downside to this, I am not quick so much time is spent solving the puzzles, time that in my heart I know should be spent ironing, dealing with correspondence, reading the book club book, haven’t really got started on Fahrenheit 451 the latest tome selected by the public library for our group, crochet and knitting projects take second place to solving these so called logic puzzles.

One day I will be better at time management, ha ha, it is unlikely as another obsession comes along.

1 comment:

  1. Tim has been a keen sudoku solver since I showed him the way - I have always liked games and puzzles and don't believe they're any waste of time at all!
