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Sunday, 16 February 2014

This is another crafty update, well it is that time of year, weather and health has meant I have been indoors more than intended. Feel annoyed with my lungs that I missed attending reading group on Monday morning and a knitting group in the afternoon but just wasn't well enough to go.

A few weeks back I had a check up with the Practice Nurse, I have bronchiectasis so am monitored carefully, the lung function test result on that day was a bit alarming, it had dropped to 28%, this along with Ian suffering with tinnitus made us decide to sort out our Powers of Attorney. Last Tuesday we trotted along to the family solicitors. Really are family solicitors, both my grandparents and their descendents used the same firm in the same premises. We look on PoAs like wills, once registered we can forget all about them, hope they are never needed, we're the invincible baby boomer generation, so much to learn and do yet.

 As we walked - in the rain - from the car park we passed one of the bookshops and I spotted a crochet book in the window, there wasn't time to buy so Ian asked the bookseller to put it aside for our return. Book is A little course in crochet: simply everything you need to succeed, published by Dorling Kindersley so clear illustrations and layout, plus a good index with a name check for the Indexer.

The cushion cover I am crocheting is growing very quickly, work has grown more since this picture was taken.

Our cushion collection is growing, we went into the Princess Alice hospice charity shop looking for Royal Doulton Tapestry china, we would like to have more pudding/cereal bowls, instead we found these three brand new cushions on a shelf at the back of the shop as if they were nothing. The pads inside were labelled Laura Ashley, assume the covers were the same brand.

 So underpriced at £4.50 each, they lighten up our red sofa, also lovely and squishy to lean on. A complete design contrast from another set of cushions we bought recently through Not on the High Street website.

In case anyone was wondering, the hexipuff total has reached 339, time to go downstairs to start another, target is 384.


  1. The cushions are beautiful! An unusual but very effective colour combination on the last picture.
    Sorry to hear your health is not the best. I hope things will get better once the weather is more outdoor-friendly.

  2. I've never tried crochet. I'm fairly inept at knitting, keep losing count, but it'd be nice to have something to do with my hands.

    You must feel rotten when your lung function is so poor, hope we get drier weather soon.
