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Wednesday, 9 November 2011


Just a quick addition to the blog to show the prototype that Ian made for the choir tree decorations.

 The ruler helps to give some idea of the size of the 'hymn books'.

The green cover is a match for the copies of The English Hymnal which it must be said, are rarely used now. So many hymns have been written since this was published, late 1950s I would guess as it was in use at the church when I was confirmed. Ian says the choir has the English hymnal with music: brown bound Hymns Ancient & Modern with the music: various sheets with music and words for other hymns not in those two works; then a black folder with the music for the services with different settings according to the church calendar plus the music and words for the African Mass.

Also, not sure why yesterday's effort had so many type faces and font sizes. Hope it didn't affect your enjoyment of my ramblings.

Now off to watch Kirstie Allsop and knit.


  1. Oh, how sweet!! Thanks for showing us. The tree will look great.

  2. Re. facebook messages - I'm so pleased we will be able to meet at last! Messaging you.

  3. Looks good - I was quite horrified to see a Christmas craft that suggested 'asking your local church for old unwanted copies of hymnals' as a bibliophile altered books are bad enough but hymnals as well?
