MONDAY, 17th October 2011
Simple Woman's Daybook:
I am thinking ... about how I can be more proactive, not just sitting at computer and iPad but to achieve more than a few rows of knitting each day, sorting family history papers and file the print outs and maybe even completing the indexing of local history publications that I started a while back. It is not just hobbies and interests, need to sort out linen, will need to send Martha off with bedding and towels for instance. We have plenty!
From the learning rooms ... to quote dear Ian "the maths books have been put on the top shelf". I laughed, but it is good that he will have a break. We have lots to do, the garden, I would like some shelves in our porch for plants, tidy out and declutter the house and maybe going out to play if the weather isn't too cold.
I am thankful ... that Ian's course next year is all tutor marked assessment and no end of year exam. So much better, the cut off dates are in the diary already.
From the kitchen ... oven on for evening meal, Martha bought a pie from new butcher in Twickenham so we hope she will prepare all the meal. I had started to defrost beef from the freezer, but unbeknown to Martha, had doubts whether defrosting would happen in time for cooking and eating today so it has worked out well.
I am wearing ... Black East dress, with orangey-red CC cardigan and multicoloured Tradecraft scarf.
I am creating ... my 44th hexipuff; well on with cardigan now, about 70 rows of the back knitted.
I am reading or will be ... Henry's sisters by Cathy Lamb. The new book was given out at our reading group this morning. Reminds me to download another book from the public library collection, not that we don't have enough books to read here but because I can. Another skill I have taught myself.
I am hoping ... Ian has good results from his OU maths exam which he took today. He's back home, very tired, well we did wake at 6.20am this morning and 3 hours of maths sounds horrendous.
I am hearing ... radio 2 whilst typing this.
Around the house .. Martha is starting to sort out her belongings before she sets sail for West Sussex, just a week to go. Very generous gift from her colleagues, so we hit the Kingston shops on Saturday to see what she could buy with her voucher. Was a good day, I found a pair of shoes, wanted black, smart but not high heels and she spotted the right ones in Jones the bootmakers. We had lunch out, and I was photographed knitting whilst waiting for the risotto.
Around the house .. Martha is starting to sort out her belongings before she sets sail for West Sussex, just a week to go. Very generous gift from her colleagues, so we hit the Kingston shops on Saturday to see what she could buy with her voucher. Was a good day, I found a pair of shoes, wanted black, smart but not high heels and she spotted the right ones in Jones the bootmakers. We had lunch out, and I was photographed knitting whilst waiting for the risotto.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... not sure, have a cold, have started the antibiotics today but any plans will depend on how I feel. May check whether I should be taking steroids too, anything to avoid the dreaded Winter chest infection.
A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ...
A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ...
View from Twickenham side of River Thames looking towards Petersham Meadows. Picture taken yesterday.
Oh, I rally enjoyed this glimpse into a day in your life, PixieMum. Thanks for sharing it.