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Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside My Window ...sunshine and a breeze. Also aeroplanes flying over, why are there a few planes by day and then just as we are going to bed about the flight path changes  and the jets fly low over our house?

I am thinking .... that I need to finish this before I go to the local history library and work (voluntarily) on the digitilization of planning applications. Really enjoyable and sociable.

From the learning rooms ...silence as Ian has gone to his U3A art class.

I am thankful ...  for being able to walk 6 miles last Friday withthe Strollers group. I was amused by the cows in the River Thames near Cookham.

From the kitchen ...smell of fresh bread, made yesterday by Ian.

I am wearing ...CC dress, it has linen coloured background and red and brown patterns. Was purchased in Glasgow when we visited one Spring to celebrate Ian's birthday.

I am going Richmond by train.

I am reading ... just the daily paper at present

I am hoping ... to get back into my reading groove now life is less busy.

I am hearing ... aircraft

Around the house ...silence, apart from the clock

One of my favourite things ...freedom of retirement

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ...Wednesday: Measuring for new kitchen floor, meeting of Breathe Easy Group; Induction of new vicar. Friday: hair cut and highlighted: Saturday: marriage of Stuart and Tanuka.


  1. Hello - I've just noticed you're following my blog, and thank you. I love the picture of the cows - they look so incongruous there in what seems to be a non-rural setting!

  2. The bread looks delicious and the cows cool !
