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Saturday, 9 January 2010

Snow days

In a peverse way I am enjoying the self enforced staying indoors in our lovely home. The cold air doesn't like my lungs - even going into the very chilly, unheated utility room causes a coughing fit - so I am avoiding that as much as possible. 

There are many projects to be doing, at present I'm indexing the Borough of Twickenham local history society publications and am working on pamphlet 88. This is the Highways and Byways of Hampton: a short history of every street in Hampton. Every street means over 200 streets to be indexed, many of the streets have more than one entry so this publication is taking some time. So far the index has grown to 50 pages of A4, I have used Word rather than a specialised indexing program as I suspect I may not obtain much paid indexing work in future. If indeed, I ask myself. Do I want to cope with deadlines, panic and the exclusion of everything in my life for the time and energy an index takes to compile?

Now I need to learn to blog. How do I add a picture?

No I don't. There is a kneeler to finish, there is knitting to complete. Darling daughter wants to learn to use my 36 year old sewing machine and I would like to try some sewing projects too. Perhaps a bag in which to store our fold away cushions that we were kindly given my K & D. If successful I could make bags for K & D's cushions too.

Then there is baking, perhaps I will do more as Ian becomes even more involved with his OU M121 course.

Meanwhile, back to the streets of Hampton, I've spent too many years on this work so would like to complete it. Then another pamphlet will be published :)

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