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Thursday, 18 June 2020

Thursday: Day 99

A very different world from forty one years and two days ago when we were married  by Archbishop’s licence.  A blogger gave us the idea of buying in a restaurant meal, after much investigation we chose frozen meals from Cook, both for the day and for stocking up freezer. Regret we didn’t consider doing this before although it is just recently that Ian felt safe to venture into a shop, this was our first click and collect, I stayed home of course, it was an opportunity to give the car a run for we have had no need to use it.

We have had another home delivery from Sainsbury’s, all went well as I have learnt to indicate where a substitution is not acceptable and that the most popular or special offer items we ordered aren’t available, we were sent an email at 6am to this effect on the day of delivery, too late to order other chocolate bars.

We cracked open a bottle of champagne, not sure from where we got it or how long we’ve had it but lockdown is a chance to declutter, tasted fine, given the 12% we had just one glass.

I have put the toe up socks aside to work on Moorland crochet blanket, the pattern is compatible with TV viewing, so yesterday evening watched. Sewing Bee semifinal, crocheted and had a family WhatsApp discussion about the programme.

Not very clear picture, I’m laying on the sofa, the blanket is keeping my legs and feet warm, Ian is seated at the other end. I’m working on Row 98, the total is 115. The blanket has been worked in trellis stitch instead of neat wave pattern, I suspect that is why it is so long, I intend to follow the border pattern given in the original instructions, it appears to be an uncomplicated double crochet stitch. Extra yarn has been purchased for this, I had a fear of running out. 

Thursday, 11 June 2020

Thursday: Day 92

Mmm, left the blog a bit of a while, kept meaning to update, no good reason why not, time just drifts by whilst still staying home still. Have some photos to show you and can chat about them, all very domestic.

May was glorious, sun tanning weather, drying outside weather and washing items that don’t need a weekly wash hence the crochet blankets billowing on the whirly. Yes, that is the Attic24 Sweet Pea blanket, the other two belong to the grandchildren. Both were meant to use up odds and ends of Double Knitting, make it up as you go along design and colours but the grandchildren know they are theirs. One day they will be able to come here again and hug, cuddle and laugh with us. 

On the patio -when did terraces become patios - are Ian’s potted up seedlings plus pots of herbs, roses, geraniums, mostly plants that like afternoon and evening sunshine, the Dutch blind shading the kitchen is left down then otherwise the room is uncomfortably hot. Our original plans for this Summer have been scuppered, we intended to replace the Dutch blind and install an awning over the French doors to give shade and privacy, the corner is a lovely sun trap. Our wooden garden table required some urgent surgery, it will now be replaced next year along with new cushions for our two benches. 

Why was the weather glorious when most people were to stay indoors or in their gardens if they had one, now parks, gardens and meeting up are permitted the weather is cold, windy and wet? It is as if May and June have swapped places. 

As I may have mentioned I’m knitting a second pair of Tramline socks, this is the second attempt of these toe up I’m being very careful but not enough as I didn’t count the stitches whilst knitting the instep, could justify not doing so as there is no increasing, on checking one short nearly two inches down. I had carefully knitted both socks simultaneously, two rounds at a time with a knot in the tail of sock 1 and a five bar gate to count so didn’t want to undo all those tiny stitches and risk not making identical sized socks. Usual solution is to use a crochet hook, 2mm hook was way too thick so ended up “knitting” with two pins. 

Not sure why last picture is so small, only one I have showing the pins with which I picked up the drop stitch. As I am not out and about there is no need for a portable project, instead I am working just on these socks, once completed I shall return to working the Moorland blanket. When we FaceTime our grandchildren Edward asks “how much has Mummy’s blanket grown?” It hasn’t.